EuroCogSci 2011 will be held at the New Bulgarian University in Sophia, Bulgaria, 21 – 24 May 2011 and is organized by the Cognitive Science Society.
Conference Co-Chairs: Boicho Kokinov, Nancy J. Nersessian, Annette Karmiloff-Smith
We invite research papers (6 pages, CogSci format) and symposium proposals (2 pages abstract, speakers, and discussants) from any area of cognitive science and its applications. The papers will be reviewed by three reviewers and if accepted will be published in the conference proceedings.
Submission Deadline: 20 December 2010.
Information on submissions can be found at
Confirmed Conference Plenary Speakers
Scott Atran (CNRS, France, Univ. of Michigan, USA) – Sacred Values and the Limits of Reason in Political Decision Making and Conflict
Riitta Hari (Aalto University, Finland) – How Do We Understand Each Other: A Neuroscientist’s Viewpoint
Linda Smith (Indiana University, USA) – Grounding Toddler Learning in Sensory-Motor Dynamics
Michael Thomas (Birbeck College, London, UK) – Modeling the Nature-Nurture Interaction in Language Development
Elisabetta Visalberghi (CNR, Italy) – Analogical Reasoning: What Capuchin Monkeys Can Tell Us?
Rolf Zwaan (Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands) – Degrees of Embodiment in Language Comprehension
Sophia is particularly green and beautiful in May and will provide an intellectual and social environment for the conference with the National Holyday (May 24) devoted to the Alphabet designed by Cyril and Methodius and their students. Sophia has remains from the Thracians (particularly the famous Thracian gold treasure), the Romans (an intact Rotunda St. George from 4th century CE, the city walls, baths, etc.), the Byzantines (particularly the 6th Century Church of St. Sofia), and the medieval Bulgarians (the 10th Century Boyana Church world famous for its 1259 CE frescoes with realistic images before the Renaissance has started in Italy).
The conference poster may be downloaded at: