European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights – Preparatory Action for the Establishment of a Conflict Prevention Network
Application deadline: March 6, 2007
The European Commission Communication on Conflict Prevention , together with the EU Programme for the Prevention of Violent Conflicts adopted by the Göteborg European Council, set out a programme for action to identify and address rising tension, the escalation of violence and the re-emergence of violent conflict in post-conflict settings by addressing the expressions of violence and the root causes of conflict. In line with this communication, the European Parliament voiced its support for maintaining a network and decided in December 2005 to allocate a preparatory action under the EIDHR chapter 19.04 with the budget line (19 04 05) and a sum of EUR 1,500,000 for 2006 in order to support a Conflict Prevention Network (CPN) for the coming years. In 2006, the European Commission has decided to implement this action through a grant contract and launch a call for proposals with the following objectives:
The overall objective is to increase, develop and pull together international knowledge and expertise in the field of conflict prevention, to ensure that all actors, including EU institutions, can access strong and independent analysis in this field in order to facilitate better informed and more evidence-based policy decisions.
The specific objective will be to enhance cooperation on conflict prevention issues among organisations that may complement each others’ competences in terms of geographical scope and thematic areas, resulting in the establishment of an international network linking research institutions, think-tanks, academia and civil society organisations.
The network shall achieve the following/Expected impact:
· To strengthen institutional knowledge and capacity.
· To ensure a clear focus on long-term prevention and peace building issues.
· To develop links with policy and operational work carried out by a wider constituency.
· To give special attention to the implementation of conflict prevention measures and work at the field level, with particular reference to best practice and engagement with different stakeholders.
The priority issues to be addressed will be the following:
Priority 1: Environment, natural resources, energy and conflict
Priority 2: Security and conflict
Priority 3: External support for dialogue and mediation for conflict prevention and resolution
Priority 4: Democratisation, human rights, justice and reconciliation
Priority 5: Trade and economic development
Priority 6: Gender in conflict prevention/peace building.
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