Summer School for Young Sociologists and Social Scientists, June 1 – 10, 2007, Bulgaria

Application deadline: March 31, 2007

The summer school will gather a faculty of leading Bulgarian and European experts, and will include such topics as ethnosociology, issues of poverty, culture under market society, conflict resolution, social work, involvement of potential stockholders and other interested parties, lobbying, Ecodesign. Working visits to related sites as municipality, ethnic minorities’ communities, a national park/reserve, and so on is provided where participants will discuss with staff and local authorities and NGOs about their experience. Curricula is still under preparation to meet in the best possible way interests and demands of the potential participants. It is expected participants to cover transportation, accommodation and other expenses. The tax to be paid for attendance is 300 Euro/500 USD until March 31 2007, and 500 Euro/600 USD for late applicants. This covers tutition, accomodation, meals and one working trip ! related to the chosen topic. There might be additional payment for tourist trips for visiting historical or natural landmarks.

Prospective participants may send their CVs and a brief description what they expect from this workshop.

More information:

(Stephan E. Nikolov, PhD, Senior Rsch. Fellow)