19th International Summer School in Cognitive Science

Sofia, New Bulgarian University, July 2-15, 2012

The Summer School is for Graduate students and young researchers around the world and lasts 2 weeks. It involves advanced courses and small group work, participants symposium, and group work.

The courses are:

Holly Taylor (Tufts University, USA) – The Cognition in Spatial Cognition

Anna Borghi (University of Bologna, Italy) – Objects, Actions, and Words: An Embodied and Grounded Cognition Approach

Barbara Landau (Johns Hopkins University, USA) – Language and Thought

Angelo Cangelosi and Martin Peniak (University of Plymouth, UK) – Developmental Robotics

Uri Hasson (Princeton University, USA) – Social Neuroscience – Why Two Brains Are Better Than One

Michael Mozer (University of Colorado, USA) – Sequential dependencies in human cognition

For more information, visit: http://nbu.bg/cogs/events/ss2012.html

Organized by:

Central and East European Center for Cognitive Science

Department of Cognitive Science and Psychology

New Bulgarian University

21, Montevideo Str., Sofia 1618


Phone: (3592) 8110-401

Fax: (3592) 8110-421