
18-ти Европейски конгрес по психология – 2023 г.


15th Annual Psychology Day at the United Nations.

Further details and registration may be accessed online:

Dear Colleagues,

The European Association for Psychotherapy is organizing an exciting Online Congress with the Theme „The Hope of Psychotherapy for our Endangered World“ (with Yalom, Renos Papadopoulos, Jessica Benjamin, Sue Daniel, Kyriaki Polychroni, etc)..

You will find detailed information on the Event in https://eap-hope.at. We would kindly ask you to spread it amongst your members and also to post it in your social media channels if available.

We are very much looking forward to welcoming many participants from your organizations!

With best regards


From the Organizing Committee


Международна конференция по приложна психология и тенденции (InPACT) 2022 г. – Мадейра, Португалия
23 – 25 април 2022 г.



International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends (InPACT) 2022 in Madeira, Portugal: send your abstract until October 22, 2021

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS (1st Call for Abstracts)

International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends 2022 (InPACT 2022)
23 to 25 of April, 2022 – Madeira, Portugal

= Important Dates =
Abstract submissions: until 22 of October, 2021
Notification to authors: from 22 of November, 2021
Registration and Final Submission: until 17 of December, 2021

= Conference Goals =
The goal of this conference is to offer a new approach to the discussion and presentation of the psychological science nowadays. We expect to engage and interact with authors and researchers from various countries, cultures and fields in the area. We provide the answer to expose new quality developments in research and theoretical findings in Applied Psychology. Some main areas are chosen and divided in more detailed sub-themes (see below), not omitting other topics regarding groundbreaking contributions that might benefit attendees at the conference.

= InPACT format =
The conference will cover many types of presentation formats, incorporating Invited Keynote Speakers, oral and thematic showcases. Among the conference materials, given to all registered attendees, a book will be published with the Proceedings of the conference. Other publication opportunities will also be available.

= Themes of Interest =
To develop the conference program, we have chosen five main broad-ranging categories in Applied Psychology, which also covers different interest areas:
– In CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY: Emotions and related psychological processes; Assessment; Psychotherapy and counselling; Addictive behaviors; Eating disorders; Personality disorders; Quality of life and mental health; Communication within relationships; Services of mental health; and Psychopathology.
– In EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY: Language and cognitive processes; School environment and childhood disorders; Parenting and parenting related processes; Learning and technology; Psychology in schools; Intelligence and creativity; Motivation in classroom; Perspectives on teaching; Assessment and evaluation; and Individual differences in learning.
– In SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY: Cross-cultural dimensions of mental disorders; Employment issues and training; Organizational psychology; Psychology in politics and international issues; Social factors in adolescence and its development; Social anxiety and self-esteem; Immigration and social policy; Self-efficacy and identity development; Parenting and social support; and Addiction and stigmatization; Psychological and social impact of virtual networks.
– In LEGAL PSYCHOLOGY: Violence and trauma; Mass-media and aggression; Intra-familial violence; Juvenile delinquency; Aggressive behavior in childhood; Internet offending; Working with crime perpetrators; Forensic psychology; Violent risk assessment; and Law enforcement and stress.
– In COGNITIVE AND EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY: Perception, memory and attention; Decision making and problem-solving; Concept formation, reasoning and judgment; Language processing; Learning skills and education; Cognitive Neuroscience; Computer analogies and information processing (Artificial Intelligence and computer simulations); Social and cultural factors in the cognitive approach; Experimental methods, research and statistics; and Biopsychology.
– In PSYCHOANALYSIS AND PSYCHOANALYTICAL PSYCHOTHERAPY: Psychoanalysis and psychology; The unconscious; The Oedipus complex; Psychoanalysis of children; Pathological mourning; Addictive personalities; Borderline organizations; Narcissistic personalities; Anxiety and phobias; Psychosis; and Neuropsychoanalysis.

= Types of Contributions =
All submissions are subjected to a blind-review refereeing process and are divided in these categories:
– Oral Presentations
– Posters
– Workshops
– Virtual presentations
– Corporates can also showcase their products or services in the conference exhibitions area by contacting the secretariat or publicity email (provided below).

= Conference Date and Location=
InPACT 2022 will be held in Funchal, in Madeira island, Portugal, in VidaMar Resort Hotel Madeira, and will occur from 23 to 25 of April, 2022.

= Contacts =
Conference email: secretariat@inpact-psychologyconference.org
Publicity email: publicity@inpact-psychologyconference.org

Conference and Program Co-Chairs:

Prof. Dr. Clara Pracana
Full and Training member of the Portuguese Association of Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Portugal

Prof. Dr. Michael Wang
Emeritus Professor of Clinical Psychology, University of Leicester, United Kingdom


From: Tom Alderson <tom.alderson@inpact-psychologyconference.org>
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2021, 03:12:10 PM GMT+3
Subject: International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends (InPACT) 2022 in Madeira, Portugal: send your abstract until October 22, 2021

 Rua Tomás Ribeiro, 45 – 1-Dto • Lisbon, 1050-225 • Portugal


17 -ти Европейски конгрес по психология – ECP 2022
Любляна, Словения
5-8 юли 2022 г.


17th European Congress of Psychology – ECP 2022
5-8 July, 2022.


The Scientific Programme Committee is pleased to invite colleagues from around the world to submit their abstracts for papers to be presented at the 17th European Congress of Psychology – ECP 2022.

The goal of ECP 2022 is to provide a forum in which the wealth of research findings, practices, and theories can be evaluated in light of the opportunities, but also the responsibilities, that psychology has as a hub science in modern society. Given the new challenges psychologists face in dealing with people from increasingly diverse cultural backgrounds, the lack of social and economic security, the climate crisis, and the mental health issues recently brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, it seems that psychology’s contributions to society have never been more important.

ECP 2022 opens the space for discussion of current trends and cutting-edge research, as well as new advances in different areas of psychology and across disciplines. The Scientific Programme Committee encourage submissions that approach the ECP 2022 main theme Psychology as a Hub Science from different perspectives. However, submissions on other topics are also welcome, and sessions on a variety of interdisciplinary and theoretical perspectives are encouraged.

ECP 2022 offers delegates the opportunity to submit research findings or professional experiences from the field in different formats: symposia, thematic sessions (papers), posters, workshops, and pro et contra discussions. In order to create coherent sessions and a grouping of similar papers, authors are asked to choose a thematic area that best describes and most closely matches the content of their abstracts.
All authors are requested to read the submission guidelines before submitting an abstract.
Abstracts accepted for presentation will be published in the special edition of the Slovenian online journal Horizons of Psychology prior to the ECP 2022.

Published in the EFPA news magazine July 2021

Important dates

Guidelines for Abstract Submission

Abstracts are a comprehensive summary of authors’ oral or poster presentations of their original research, projects, or changes in practice.

The submitted abstracts must contain the title (up to 20 words) and the main body (up to 300 words). The contents should include the objective, method, results, conclusions, and should be written in a single paragraph (i.e., should not contain distinct, labelled sections). No references, tables and figures can be included in the abstract. An abstract that has already been published cannot be submitted.

The abstract must first identify the presenting author, who will have to register for ECP 2022 in order to present findings from their research or practice. As the primary contact for the abstract, the presenting author is responsible for communicating with all co-authors about the acceptance of the abstract and obtaining conflict of interest disclosures from them.

Authors may choose an appropriate submission type from different ECP 2022 formats (times are estimated):

  • Symposia: 3–5 presentations from different countries and a discussant around a common theme, issue or question of particular relevance. Each session will last for 90 minutes including discussion.
  •  Individual presentations: 15–20 minutes each including discussion in a chaired thematic sessions (90 minutes).
  •  Posters: printed-paper posters & e-posters will be displayed, and informal sessions will be organised for congress participants to interact with authors.
  •  Workshops: „learning by doing“ sessions with active audience participation will be scheduled for 90 minutes follow­ing the common structure: introduction, main activity, and reflective discussion.
  • Pro et Contra discussions: 45-minute discussions on different, contemporary or/and controversial topics in psychology and related sciences (interdisciplinary).

The Scientific Programme Committee may reassign submitted presentations between formats at its discretion.

Abstracts must be submitted online via the online web forms only.
The submitter will be required to create a user account to submit an abstract.
In case you will not receive confirmation within 24 hours, please check your spam folder and in case of no confirmation e-mail, please contact: abstract@cd-cc.si.
The submission form allows authors to store their abstract as a draft and to make changes.

Scientific Programme Committee will review all submitted abstracts in collaboration with a panel of international experts according to the following criteria:

  • Relevance to the conference’s main themes.
  • Significance for theory, policy, and practice.
  • Theoretical framework, conceptual rationale, or pragmatic grounding.
  • Research method and design (research questions, context, participants, data sources, sampling, procedure, ethical issues).
  • Clarity of results or preliminary results and conclusions.
  • Overall quality and scientific originality.

Notification regarding abstract acceptance and scheduling will be sent to the submitting author together with detailed information and guidelines for the presentation.

Authors are solely responsible for the ethical and scientific content presented in the abstracts.

Abstracts must be submitted and presented in clear English with accurate grammar and spelling of a quality suitable for the publication.

At least one author from each accepted abstract (i.e., the presenting author) must register to the ECP 2022 by 10 March 2022 for the abstract to be included in the final programme.

If more than three abstracts are submitted from the same presenting author, the Scientific Programme Committee may reject some extra abstracts to secure a balanced and varied scientific programme.

Please note that abstracts must be submitted before the deadline (i.e. 10 November 2021) in order to be sent to review for inclusion in the Scientific Programme of the ECP 2022.

We look forward to receiving your abstracts and seeing you in Ljubljana.
Best personal regards,

Mojca Juriševič
Chair of the Scientific Programme Committee a text block.


23rd Congress: the Rorschach Centenary Congress
Geneva, Switzerland (Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva)
July, 2022.

The Rorschach Test will be 100 years old in 2021, and 2022 will mark the death of its creator, Swiss psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach. To celebrate this important centennial in the history of psychological assessment, the International Society of the Rorschach and Projective Methods (https://www.internationalrorschachsociety.com/) is organizing a special 23rd Congress: the Rorschach Centenary Congress. The Congress is to be held in Geneva, Switzerland (Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva) in July, 2022.

During the congress, we will be looking back at the history of the past 100 years and looking at how the use of Hermann Rorschach’s widely used test has developed. We will also be looking at how the method is being used at the present time and might be used in the future. In preparation for this event, the Organizing Committee is planning a rich variety of projects.

One of these projects, referred to as the MAP Project, involves creating a map that traces the routes by which the Rorschach was introduced in a country and how it developed until the present day.

To complete this project, all countries are called to participate. This is a collaborative world-wide endeavor which will mark the opening onto the next 100 years.

For information regarding your country to be included in this project and possible subsequent publications, and to help us bring this project to fruition, we would be grateful if you could provide us with information on:

•when the Rorschach came to your country,
•who brought the Rorschach to your country, and
•what institutions taught and currently teach the Rorschach in your country (universities, associations, continuing education organizations…).

Please let us know, in working with us, if there are any people or organizations in your country that could provide us with this information.

A detailed questionnaire will then be sent to them for this purpose.

We thank you in advance for your precious collaboration.

Best regards,

Emiliano Muzio, Ph.D.
MAP Project coordinator
Board Member,
International Society of the Rorschach
and Projective Methods (ISR)


Emiliano Muzio, Ph.D.

Muzio Psychological Services Ltd.,
Terapiatalo Sointu Ltd.,
The Finnish Rorschach Association,
International Society of the Rorschach
and Projective Methods,
Board Member (Member-at-Large)
Italian Institute of Wartegg,
Representative for Finland

c/o Terapiatalo Sointu
Döbelninkatu 2, 8th Floor
00260 Helsinki

Tel: +358 456 7172 83
